Danyth, Goddess of Luck and Fortune, Protector of Travelers and Adventurers.

Danyth, like the other minor gods, lived in the Tamaraith Highlands. During the domination of the Elder Dragons, she helped thousands of people escape from the Highlands to safer lands.

The church of Danyth has widespread popularity across the New Kingdoms and even in eastern Pendaran. Everybody needs a little good luck from time to time and Danyth is the goddess to provide it. Only the Phaedrans and Orlothians have more temples and shrines. Danyth's temples are normally found near the gates of a settlement or on the roads approaching. There are several on the roads through Tanglewood offering a safe haven to weary travelers.

Like most of the other lesser gods, Danyth's church has a simple structure. The priests are a free willed bunch, more interested in experiencing life and traveling than getting bogged down in a rigid hierarchy. The shrines, temples and hostelries are run usually by the older priests whose wandering days have ended. They are assisted by the Novices, who serve their apprenticeship in the hostelries. Their tenure lasts for three years, after which they are free to stay in the hostelries or find their fortunes across the realms.

Priests of Danyth should be bold, for to be bold is to live. You should have a brave heart, and a willingness to take risks over a carefully wrought plan nine times out of ten. Place yourself in the hands of fate and trust to your own luck. Show your good or bad fortune as confidence in the Lady. Chase your own unique goals, and the Lady aids the chase. Without direction or goals, you soon know the embrace of ill-luck, for those on no set course are at the mercy of misfortune, which has no mercy at all. You should travel the roads, spreading the Lady's favor across the land. Give your aid to fellow travelers if they should ask.

Clerics of Danyth favor gaiety and spontaneity, believing that those who enjoy the greatest fortune are those who take the greatest risks. They position their temples as refueling stops for adventuring bands, often offering such staples as holy water and healing potions. Some churches take this a step further, offering excessive secret aid to the most daring of adventurers in a public relations effort to "prove" the value of Danyth's doctrine. Clerics hail the miraculous successes of these heroes upon their return from dangerous dungeons and haunted tombs, declaring their survival and plunder the reward of Lady Luck. When such groups are consumed by dragons or walk into a sphere of annihilation, Danyth clerics are notably silent.

Each Danyth temple is an independent operation with its own hierarchy and doctrinal interpretation, which usually boils down to the whims of the high priest or priestess informed by a baseline collection of beliefs and customs.

Priests of Danyth wear simple, brown, homespun robes. Practicality is the key, rather than appearance. The priests also wear the holy symbol of Danyth, a silver, five spoked wheel.

d20 Specific Rules.

Lesser Deity
A silver, five spoked wheel.
Home Plane:
Chaotic Good
Cleric Alignments:
Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral
Luck, Travel, Weather
Favored Weapon:
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