Revenge Campaign - PC Bios - Kargoth Song

Kargoth was a sentient Artifact crafted in 1394SA at the height of the Annan Empire’s power, by the dwarven alchemist Dalemon Haragath in the city of Rhiannor, for the dwarven hero Dungrad Kargoth. The Kargoths were a noble dwarven family from the dwarven realm of Gothlund.

In 2021 his fourth bearer, Durgon Kargoth, was the war-leader of a dwarven mine complex in the Doraak Hills. The mine was running for over three hundred years and the tunnels had delved very deeply. The mines were overrun by a nameless horror and they were abandoned. Durgon died in the retreat out of the mines. His body, along with that of his brother Untar, was entombed at the entrance to the mine and enchanted with powerful magic to raise their spirits if the mine was ever entered. Unfortunately the spells have failed over time and Kargoth never saw the light of day for 1288 years.


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