The Fallen - Wolf Dreams

The First Dream.

You settle down to sleep and slowly drift off. Sometime later you awake and find yourself walking through an evergreen forest. Fresh snow crunches under you feet and blankets the trees around you. The forest is silent, no birds or other animal noises disturb the tranquillity.

In the distance you hear a solitary wolf howl and you find yourself walking towards the sound. You try to stop yourself but you are strangely drawn to it. You come across a large clearing. In the night sky above you the moons glow with a dim light, all three are full.

Out of the forest on the other side of the clearing comes a small grey wolf. He sits down and looks at you for a few moments before raising his head and howling. The mournful howl tails off, but the wolf continues to gaze up into the sky.

You follow the wolf's gaze and stare up into the sky. The wolf is looking at Yswen, the smallest of the three moons. As you look at the moon, you see a small blood red spot appear on the moon's surface. Slowly the red spot grows, covering more and more of the moon's surface. After a few minutes Yswen's normally grey surface is stained a deep blood red.

The wolf beside you howls again. You look back at the wolf and it returns your gaze for a few moments before turning and disappearing into the forest.


The Second Dream.

Not long after falling asleep you awake and find yourself walking through the same evergreen forest. Snow still covers the ground and the trees, but around you the drip-drip of melting snow invades the silence and occasionally you can hear clumps of melted snow slip from the laden branches.

In the distance you hear a solitary wolf howl and again you find yourself walking towards the sound. Your feet soon become wet from trudging through the thawing snow and you can feel the cold begin to creep up your legs. Soon you enter a familiar clearing and the small grey wolf of your previous visit sits and stares at you. Again, in the night sky above you are the three full moons. Yswen still bears the blood red stain.

You begin to shiver as the cold eats into your bones and out of the forest stalks a large black wolf. It slowly walks towards you, its red tongue lolling out of its mouth, almost laughing at you. The wolf stops before you and sniffs your hand before padding back to its smaller cousin. They both look at you for a few moments before raising their heads and howling in unison.

You stare up at the sky, at blood-red Yswen and its larger companions Ardaen and Syllari. Before your eyes another red spot appears on Ardaen's surface, growing larger and covering more and more of the moon's surface until it, too, is stained red.

The wolves howl again before turning and disappearing into the forest.


The Third Dream.

You fall asleep again, wondering if the dream will return for a third time and sure enough, not long after falling asleep you awake in the forest. The snow has nearly gone and the ground is muddy underfoot.

In the distance you hear a solitary wolf howl and you begin to run through the forest to the clearing. You slip and slide through the mud and you are soon filthy. You burst into the clearing and see the black and grey wolf sitting staring waiting for your arrival. Once again you glance at the sky and see the three moons of Gwelith high above you. Yswen and Ardaen both still bear the blood red stain you saw enveloping their surface.

You glance at the black and grey wolves. They start at you expectantly as if waiting for you to do something. The grey wolf begins to whine and begin to bark at you but stops when the larger black wolf snaps at it.

Then, out of the forest, another wolf appears. The snow white wolf is the biggest you have ever seen. The other two cower away from it as it stands beside them. The three of the howl together and before they have finished you are looking at the moons. Before your eyes Syllari, the biggest and brightest of the moons, is enveloped by a crimson veil.

The howls stop and you look again at the wolves. The white wolf stands and circles the clearing, glancing at you hungrily. It stops behind you and you then hear it pad slowly towards you. You feel its breath, hot, on the back of your neck as it halts behind you.

“We are coming,” the wolf speaks in bestial elven, its jaws struggling to pronounce the words.

The wolf walks around in front of you. “The Dreamer will call the faithful to him and the Blood Moons shall rise, heralding the return of the Fallen.”

“You have been chosen, your blood burns with magic, the Chained One's Gift. Together we shall prepare the way for His return.” The wolf returns to its brothers and sits beside them.

They begin to howl over and over again. You clasp your hands over your ears to block out the sound, turn and run into the forest.


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